
Biocommunication Scans

Your body is constantly changing. You need help to keep up with these needs. Smoochie’s Natural Health now uses ZYTO technology in conjunction with other modalities to help you maintain the highest levels of wellness possible.

 ZYTO technology assists with identifying your body’s biological coherence so that we can improve your health and wellness today.

When your scan is complete, a report is generated that provides us with helpful information.  This report may provide insights that will prompt a closer look at your biological preference for nutritional supplements and services to help maintain your health and wellness. Biological preference simply means those Virtual Items to which your body responds most coherently. Using this information, we can decide on a strategy together that will be developed specifically for you, based on your body’s responses. Zyto reports also help track your wellness over time. 

 On vacation? Can’t get the time off of work?  Too sick to come into Smoochie’s Natural Health? Zyto scans can also be conducted remotely anywhere in the world! 

The ZYTO scan is non-invasive and safe for infants, children, adults of all ages including pregnant women and individuals with pacemakers.

For more information about ZYTO technology, or to schedule your first scan, call today!

Zyto scans are not intended to treat or diagnose. 

Zyto Report Categories include toxic stress diet and nutrition hydration mental stress sleep inflammation


 The IonCleanse foot bath by AMD is a completely non-invasive method of full-body detox that pairs well with other services at Smoochie’s Natural Health.  The IonCleanse uses frequencies that create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the healing power of ions.  It is completely non-invasive and can be monumental in helping you with your health concerns.

Genius Biofeedback

The Genius Health Insight App is a quantum biofeedback technology used by Smoochie’s Natural Health.  It analyzes frequencies in your voice and picture and then compares them to other frequencies.  The software then generates personalized frequencies that are delivered to you through the app on your phone or tablet.  The delivered frequencies are designed to create a state of relaxation and stress disturbances. 

Genius App

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The Bioresonance full body scan measures electromagnetic frequencies of the body, as compared to ideal health frequencies. The device uses sensors inside headphones to read frequencies inside the body. Computerized results display on a screen. Energy therapy is then applied to help rebalance the electromagnetic frequencies. The entire picture will be interpreted utilizing the scan results along with complementary natural remedies such as nutrition, homeopathic remedies, plant stem cell and other healing modalities, to assist bringing the body to homeostasis.

Image on computer of bioplasm 3D test subject

Bach Flower Remedies

“Soul therapy through flower energy”

Similar to homeopathy, Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) discovered the direct link between the essential nature of plants and humans as a curative tool, at a subconscious level, using the essence of nature to restore harmony and address emotional healing in the mind, body, and soul. This is a gentle, natural method of restoring health specific to your individual needs.


“The eyes are the window to your soul”.

In examining your beautiful eye(s), particularly the iris or pupil, important clues may be revealed at a cellular level. This allows the ability to prevent and treat for optimum health. Iridology can locate areas of weakness in the body (specific organ or organs), whether due to genetic influence, emotional elements or external exposures, corrections can be made. Your body can repair and heal itself.


Dr. Carey Reams discovered a system of bringing the body into balance by analyzing pH, digestion and elimination or “energy in / energy out”. Simply put, the relation of CAUSE AND EFFECT involving hydration, nutrition, digestion, elimination, lifestyle, sleep, spirituality, activity, and balance on your current state. This method allows a true and individualized health analysis and plan.


The science and art of using naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to calm, balance, heal and harmonize the mind, body and soul. Special blends are created just for you and your needs.


An extremely effective therapy to relieve imbalances through pressure techniques to dissipate energy blocks in the body. Stimulation of circulatory and lymphatic systems encourage the body to release toxins and promote the body to heal itself.

Image of a sunflower in a field at sunrise

Muscle Response Testing

Analyzing the body’s response to muscle testing, through neurological reflex and acupressure points, via the nervous system (which regulates the function of every organ in your body), health and energy flow can be determined. This allows a more customized assessment of your body’s individual needs, whether it be nutritional and/or supplementation, for optimal health.

Individualized Nutrition

Assessing the whole person allows for an exact nutritional and wellness plan you never thought existed. There are so many diets (GFCFSF, SCD, low FODMAP, ketogenic, high protein, low carb, the list goes on and on). It’s can be difficult, if not impossible, to know what to eat! Especially when dealing with “picky eaters”, chronic issues, digestive problems, sensory issues, allergies, etc., proper nutrition becomes exhausting. Enzyme therapy can provides amazing results without the exhaustive effort of having several different meals for you and your family based on food sensitivities or digestion issues, leaving these struggles behind. Let me help simplify your life!

Nutritional Herbs

Healing with the use of medicinal and nutritional plants. All nutrition and energy comes from plants either directly or indirectly. Medicinally, there are several herbs and herbal blends that are equivalent or exceed conventional treatments. Several recommendations can be made regarding proper herbs or nutrients, as well as safety and effectiveness.  

Special Kids

including Epigenetics (MTHFR, CBS, COMT, SUOX, VDR, FVL, F2, FUT2, G6PD, APOE 2 & 4 and GAD)

Providing and assisting alternative and complimentary modalities to support the special issues children with autism, ADHD, OCD, sensory processing issues, food sensitivity, allergies, picky eaters, chronic infections, viral and heavy metal overload, yeast, skin & gastrointestinal issues (to name a few), may be experiencing. Naturopaths can help get to the root cause of these issues by addressing and assisting the body in correcting and healing these imbalances, without exhaustive,
restrictive diets, supplements and therapies. There is hope!

Smoochie's Natural Health Clay figures


“Like cures like”

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that implements “natural” remedies that seek to cure in accordance with natural laws of healing, and are used from natural substances. These remedies are prepared in a nontoxic way, and there are no side effects. Remedies are available and effective, at a fraction of the cost of conventional treatments, and are highly effective for children and adults. Homeopathic remedies are given based on symptoms and according to the law of similars, an age-old principle recognizing your body’s own ability to heal itself.