Dr Lisa Haro received her Doctor of Naturopathy (Natural Health) degree from Trinity School of Natural Health in Indiana. Her specialties include plant stem cell, homeopathy, REAMS analysis (pH, digestive processing and how the body detoxifies, processes energy/foods and elimination), painless full body bioscan, iridology, muscle response testing, and nutrition. Her journey and ultimate calling lead her to pursue her passion in natural health with the healing her own non-verbal son with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD. After YEARS of conventional treatments & therapies, restrictive diets, painful, invasive testing, exhaustive searches for help and answers. Simply seeing her beautiful, non-verbal son begin to speak by getting to the root cause lit the fire of hope, healing and recovery! Being a voice for your child, following your parental instincts and NEVER giving up may help you and your child! The body has an amazing ability to correct & heal itself. Dr Haro would love to help get to your root cause to help you feel your best no matter what age or what the issue(s)!!
Lisa Haro is a naturopathic practitioner. She will teach you about nutrition, herbs, supplements, and better health practices. Lisa is not a medical doctor (MD). Therefore, she does not treat or diagnose medical conditions. Naturopathy is not a replacement for medical counseling and you should seek a licensed professional of allopathic/conventional medicine for medical conditions and emergencies. The services performed here, at all times, are restricted to consultation and guidance on nutritional matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease.