Plant stem cell, gemmotherapy or phytoembryotherapy are one of the BEST ways to obtain better health!  Plant bud extracts and other embryonic plant tissues are used to open cell detoxification pathways, decrease inflammation, and drain toxins at a cellular level. It has great success in children’s health, skin issues, anti-aging properties, underlying infections & illness, drains the lymphatic system, circulation support, reproduction, immunity, addresses overall inflammation, arthritic-type issues, allergies, anxiety, diabetes, headaches, and the list goes on & on!!!!! And ALL NATURAL through the miracle of plant stem cells from raspberry or blackberry (to name a few). The amazing qualities of black currant or Ribes Nigrum that is widespread throughout Europe. It is noted for it’s natural cortisone (anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and anti-infectious) actions, especially in chronic cases. It strengthens you during stress, gives energy to tired adrenal glands and is even effective for reactions to insect bites.  If you are struggling with vague symptoms, know something is “off” or not quite right, or if your body is trying to tell you something but no one is listening, contact Smoochie’s Natural Health for your customized plan to better health and happiness!!

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